Friday, August 5, 2011

House news!

I'm finally getting around to this - I have a 3-hour window of waiting for our new mattress to be delivered, and with no tv or wifi (thankfully I still have a 3G connection) I have some time to kill.

So, as you may have deduced, I'm in THE HOUSE! Yay! So that's the good news. The bad news is that we don't own it yet. How is this possible, you ask? Well, to make a long, roller-coaster of a story short, the seller (who we met along with her whole family, & we really like) thought the house was going to sell for much more than it appraised for, so in the end didn't have enough $ to make it work. So, it will go to a short sale (the most deceiving term ever created - it means that the money is short, NOT the time it will take to sell). While it's going through this process, we are essentially renting it from the owner, hoping/feeling pretty good that the short sale will be approved. We think this will be good, since we needed a place to live anyway (not that Annie & Quinn weren't AMAZING hosts) and the pros definitely outweighed the cons. And the best part is we get to start settling in now, instead of in 60-90 days!

Sorry for so much blabbing - here are some pictures!

Front door - will be removing weird curtain very soon.

Living room - & new loveseat!


Future office with Andy's printer.

Guest bath.

Master, bed will go where comforter is in about an hour!

Huge tub!


The walk-in closet. Yessiree.

View to the back porch. (& Moo!)

Kitchen from the sliding door.

We're also psyched about the return of this li'l gentleman:

You want gratuitous Moose pictures? Well alright:

You're welcome.

Again, we'll keep you updated, but for now we're just hoping that the short sale gets approved and goes through sooner rather than later; but at least we'll be here!! Oh, & here's the mailing addy:

PO Box 532
Oakland, FL 34760

(Our cute small town doesn't have mail delivery, so we pick it up from the post office which is about a block away.)

Miss you all!

Wooo, house!

Location:Spring Loop Way,Winter Garden,United States

House news!

I'm finally getting around to this - I have a 3-hour window of waiting for our new mattress to be delivered, and with no tv or wifi (thankfully I still have a 3G connection) I have some time to kill.

So, as you may have deduced, I'm in THE HOUSE! Yay! So that's the good news. The bad news is that we don't own it yet. How is this possible, you ask? Well, to make a long, roller-coaster of a story short, the seller (who we met along with her whole family, & we really like) thought the house was going to sell for much more than it appraised for, so in the end didn't have enough $ to make it work. So, it will go to a short sale (the most deceiving term ever created - it means that the money is short, NOT the time it will take to sell). While it's going through this process, we are essentially renting it from the owner, hoping/feeling pretty good that the short sale will be approved. We think this will be good, since we needed a place to live anyway (not that Annie & Quinn weren't AMAZING hosts) and the pros definitely outweighed the cons. And the best part is we get to start settling in now, instead of in 60-90 days!

Sorry for so much blabbing - here are some pictures!

Front door - will be removing weird curtain very soon.

Living room - & new loveseat!


Future office with Andy's printer.

Guest bath.

Master, bed will go where comforter is in about an hour!

Huge tub!


The walk-in closet. Yessiree.

View to the back porch. (& Moo!)

Kitchen from the sliding door.

We're also psyched about the return of this li'l gentleman:

You want gratuitous Moose pictures? Well alright:

You're welcome.

Again, we'll keep you updated, but for now we're just hoping that the short sale gets approved and goes through sooner rather than later; but at least we'll be here!! Oh, & here's the mailing addy:

PO Box 532
Oakland, FL 34760

(Our cute small town doesn't have mail delivery, so we pick it up from the post office which is about a block away.)

Miss you all!

Wooo, house!

Location:Spring Loop Way,Winter Garden,United States

Monday, August 1, 2011

Another day...

Andy is home (and by "home" I mean Annie & Quinn's home) working hard, so I'm staying out of his hair here:

Drinking this:

(The crumbs are from a chocolate croissant, somehow didn't manage to snap a pic before I inhaled it.)

And this:

And enjoying the book Tory lent me:

Thanks, Totie!

We are waiting to hear about the house and are supposed to have some news today (though "supposed to" does not equal "definitely will"), so we appreciate your continued prayers & well-wishes! We'll let y'all know when we know... Eek! And just for inspiration/hopefulness, here's the little guy:

I can haz?

Location:W Colonial Dr,Winter Garden,United States

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Magic Kindom!

We're finally at the parks - as season pass holders!

We're having a fabulous day, hosted by these 2:

Here are some hot (literally) pics of our day:

Hope your day is magical, too!!

Location:Center Dr,Orlando,United States

Friday, July 29, 2011

This is what happens when you spend the afternoon with Uncle Andy & Aunt Jess:

Ice cream everywhere; even in your eyelashes.

Enjoying our time in the WG!

Location:W Orange Trail,Winter Garden,United States