Monday, August 1, 2011

Another day...

Andy is home (and by "home" I mean Annie & Quinn's home) working hard, so I'm staying out of his hair here:

Drinking this:

(The crumbs are from a chocolate croissant, somehow didn't manage to snap a pic before I inhaled it.)

And this:

And enjoying the book Tory lent me:

Thanks, Totie!

We are waiting to hear about the house and are supposed to have some news today (though "supposed to" does not equal "definitely will"), so we appreciate your continued prayers & well-wishes! We'll let y'all know when we know... Eek! And just for inspiration/hopefulness, here's the little guy:

I can haz?

Location:W Colonial Dr,Winter Garden,United States

1 comment:

  1. Do you love the book!? (It's Kaela's) So glad I could add to your day. And I'm dying to hear if you got the house! Let me know when you find out!
