Wednesday, July 20, 2011

On the road again...

...after a strategic stop:

(Formerly known as and still providing the products of Peaberry's.)

We love our time in Boulder and are sad it had to be so short. Here's our time there in pictures:

Tired pups.

The street Tory used to live on.

Kids playing in the fountain on Pearl St.- hear there's something similar in dt Winter Garden!

From the Glacier Ice Cream cart.

Andy buying a hot dog - totally out of character.

Pearl Street!

A brief (necessary) refreshment.

View from the Rio rooftop. And a thunderstorm!

I wasn't a fantastic picture-taker; I completely forgot to document Sushi Zanmai and the only pic of The Med I got was this:

The white sangria IS fantastic, but I should have gotten picture evidence of the fact that Tory drove all the way up from Denver to meet Andy, Val, Mom & me there! Also the tapas. Oh well.

We had a lovely time, as we always do, and can't wait to come back. I think we'll have to bring Zoe's new bestie when we do come...


We're in out first real bit of traffic, so hopefully things will pick up soon:

Yuck. I'd rather be looking at this:

Or this:

Or (the day after tomorrow) this:

But first, Broken Arrow, OK! OK? OK!

Location:Denver,United States

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